Friday, January 12, 2007

Ode to my body pillow

Oh wonderfully enormous and fluffy body pillow, let me tell you how much I love thee...

Seriously, for anyone pregnant out there, run out to Costco and buy yourself a $10.43 body pillow immediately. I thought all the hype about body pillows was just hype. And who wants to pay $50 for hype? Then I found the cheap version at Costco and figured why not?

This is not actually me sleeping, but you get the idea.

Previous to the lovely pillow, I had been waking up two or three times a night because my hips were hurting, or my belly was unsupported, or multiple other painful reasons. Now, no wakeups. It's bliss! Of course, body pillows are fairly large, and I think Chris is feeling the downside since we now basically have three full sized people in our queen sized bed plus the two cats when they're in the mood. But I do love my pillow. I have to travel to DC in two weeks and I'm wondering how I'll fit it in my suitcase. It is about 4 feet tall and very puffy. I guess I'll be bringing the large suitcase!


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