The house, part one
So people keep asking for photos of the house, and I keep forgetting to put them up on the web. But today I remembered! So here are the pictures we have so far. Some turned out better than others. This first picture is the "family room". This space is open to the kitchen, separated by a long counter and area for a couple of stools. We spend most weekend mornings here; there's lots of early morning sun and the windows to the east keep the room fairly warm in the AM. There are reddish burgundy blinds in this room, and I planned to replace them within minutes of moving in. However, they're not nearly as bad as I thought and they match the couch quite nicely. Go figure.
This shot is the counter/bar that separates the family room from the kitchen, and the view into the kitchen. The cabinets are willow and are functional but not exactly pretty. Someday we'll replace them.
The kitchen has a huge window facing south that looks out over the ridge (just barely visible at the left side of the picture) and a smaller window visible from the sink that looks southwest. Nice city lights view from here. The window is actually in the stairway, but the kitchen is open on one side to the stairs so you can see through the window too. Not sure if it's obvious in the picture, but our countertops are teal green with a hot pink stripe at the front edge. Oh yeah baby. Welcome to the 80s.
The counters will be torn out or covered over at some point. After all the renovations in Madison, though, we're feeling lazy.
everything is better with a hot pink stripe!
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