Thursday, January 04, 2007


Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. There are two of them in there. Two little girl aliens. I went in for an ultrasound on Tuesday and the ultrasound technician found two heads as soon as she put the gooey wand on my stomach. Chris figured it out immediately, but I had no clue. I saw two little round things up on the screen, but I just figured those were two elbows. Or maybe some other alien shapes inside me. When the U/S lady said "yup, just what I thought, twins", I would have fallen over, but fortunately I was already lying down. She was able to confirm just a few minutes later that both are girls, but wasn't 100% sure if they're sharing the same chorion (which would mean they're identical).

The perinatologist who reviewed the videotape is pretty certain they're identical, but won't guarantee. (as if perhaps we'd want our money back)

I have gone through all range of emotions. First, shock. Absolute shock. Then excitement. Then fear. Then excitement again. Then more fear. Now I'm excited and a bit apprehensive, but in general quite happy. And I'm feeling well and healthy and enjoying my growing belly. I definately look pregnant now but am no where near huge. Perhaps in a month or two.


At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you - and am so happy for all 4 of you. Love MOM


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