Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Holy hair batman!

Today I finally got around to getting my hair cut. It's funny, but I always feel better about the world after a hair cut. It's like I start again all clean and shiny and all is good. Then, slowly, I get shaggier and shaggier and I get annoyed with the world. Given this logic, tomorrow should be a great day.

The funny thing with my haircut, though, is that Margie, my hair cutter, put more shit in my hair than I have ever had in it. Cumulutively. Seriously, she used about five dollops of gel throughout the cut. Not only that, but she put in a fist full of silk something or other -- it looked and smelled just like gel. And then sprayed the entire creation with a gallon and a half of hairspray. I hate hairspray. She sprayed so much that it got on my face, and my shirt, and all over the place. Then, as I was unsticking myself from the chair (hairspray is sticky), she threw on an extra dollop of gel for good measure. Have you ever heard of gel AFTER hairspray?

Suffice to say, I went straight to my car, drove home, and jumped into the shower, where I shampooed twice to get all of the crap out. It's actually a nice haircut now that it's not covered in a spaceage sheen.


At 3:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kind of reminds me of too much condiment being applied... and I've been called the "King of Condiments" so I know from whence I speak.


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