Monday, January 01, 2007

Pregnancy cravings

Everyone who knows I'm pregnant asks me what I'm craving. I hate to admit it, but not much of anything. I bought myself organic pickles just in case I wake in the middle of the night, but so far, the jar is mostly full. I have two varities of ice cream in the freezer, but haven't once wanted to dish myself out a bowl. Am I a boring pregnant lady, or what?

The only thing that even comes close to a craving is my recent need for popcorn. Actually, thinking about it, perhaps this does qualify as a craving because I daydream at work about making popcorn. And I make it as soon as I walk into the house. We don't have a microwave, so I have learned to make popcorn on the stove. It's really good and not nearly as fake tasting as microwave popcorn.


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