Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I am huge

So it's official. I am absolutely huge. I just got back from an appointment with Hillary, my fantastic midwife, and I'm measuring 28 weeks. That is six full weeks ahead. For those of you who are mathmatically inclined, that is a full 27% bigger than where I "should" be if I was having just one baby. How cool is that?

I heard two heartbeats, and Hillary explained where they both are (one head up by my ribs on the right side, baby lying sort of diagonal with her feet down at the lower left side, the other lying across the lower part of me with her head to the right). They were also moving all over the place, which apparently you can hear on a stethoscope.

In other news, my mom has been bitten by the baby bug. She actually sat down the other day and did research on where I should register. Many of you know my mom and will probably agree with me that the fact that she spent several hours sitting and researching says a lot. She sent me a list of places to look for cool baby cloths and furniture, and I hate to admit it... but she found better places than I did. And up until now I have considered myself the queen of Internet research. I guess now all I am is the queen of lying on the couch whining about being achy and tired. Or hungry.

And speaking of... it's time to go eat again.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Belly pictures, as requested

So yeah, I am giving in and posting pictures of my growing belly here so that you people stop bugging me for photos. (you know who you are) To the rest of you who have absolutely no desire to see my skin, sorry. Close your eyes quick.

This first picture is of me all covered up in my favorite hanging around the house outfit. I look either pudgy or pregnant depending on what mood I'm in when I see the picture.

This picture, however, leaves no doubt that I'm pregnant (in my opinion). It's much more obvious with the shirt pulled up. There are two little aliens in there!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Ode to my body pillow

Oh wonderfully enormous and fluffy body pillow, let me tell you how much I love thee...

Seriously, for anyone pregnant out there, run out to Costco and buy yourself a $10.43 body pillow immediately. I thought all the hype about body pillows was just hype. And who wants to pay $50 for hype? Then I found the cheap version at Costco and figured why not?

This is not actually me sleeping, but you get the idea.

Previous to the lovely pillow, I had been waking up two or three times a night because my hips were hurting, or my belly was unsupported, or multiple other painful reasons. Now, no wakeups. It's bliss! Of course, body pillows are fairly large, and I think Chris is feeling the downside since we now basically have three full sized people in our queen sized bed plus the two cats when they're in the mood. But I do love my pillow. I have to travel to DC in two weeks and I'm wondering how I'll fit it in my suitcase. It is about 4 feet tall and very puffy. I guess I'll be bringing the large suitcase!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So sick of protein

Pregnant women need a lot of protein. Women pregnant with twins need even more. I have read anything between 100 grams and 175 grams a day. It's unreal. The "best" pregnancy diet according to many experts recommends 2 eggs, 12 oz of chicken or beef, a quart of milk, 2 oz hard cheese, and 4 servings of nuts or seeds each day. Plus a baked potato, 2 servings of leafy green vegetables, 1 yellow or orange colored fruit, 2 green peppers or lemons or tomatoes and 5 servings of whole grains. Each day! How am I supposed to pack all that in? I have always loved to eat, so you'd think I'd be deliriously happy.

But sadly, there's no onion ring requirement. Or mashed potato requirement. Sigh.

A friend reminded me that pregnancy is now my job, and eating healthy is the number one requirement. I'm not exactly falling down on the job yet, but I'm not loving my new tasks either.

Maybe if the two little aliens inside me would start kicking and putting on a show, I'd feel like I was getting something back in return. But right now all I do is shovel food into my mouth. Or at least that's how it feels.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness. There are two of them in there. Two little girl aliens. I went in for an ultrasound on Tuesday and the ultrasound technician found two heads as soon as she put the gooey wand on my stomach. Chris figured it out immediately, but I had no clue. I saw two little round things up on the screen, but I just figured those were two elbows. Or maybe some other alien shapes inside me. When the U/S lady said "yup, just what I thought, twins", I would have fallen over, but fortunately I was already lying down. She was able to confirm just a few minutes later that both are girls, but wasn't 100% sure if they're sharing the same chorion (which would mean they're identical).

The perinatologist who reviewed the videotape is pretty certain they're identical, but won't guarantee. (as if perhaps we'd want our money back)

I have gone through all range of emotions. First, shock. Absolute shock. Then excitement. Then fear. Then excitement again. Then more fear. Now I'm excited and a bit apprehensive, but in general quite happy. And I'm feeling well and healthy and enjoying my growing belly. I definately look pregnant now but am no where near huge. Perhaps in a month or two.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Pregnancy cravings

Everyone who knows I'm pregnant asks me what I'm craving. I hate to admit it, but not much of anything. I bought myself organic pickles just in case I wake in the middle of the night, but so far, the jar is mostly full. I have two varities of ice cream in the freezer, but haven't once wanted to dish myself out a bowl. Am I a boring pregnant lady, or what?

The only thing that even comes close to a craving is my recent need for popcorn. Actually, thinking about it, perhaps this does qualify as a craving because I daydream at work about making popcorn. And I make it as soon as I walk into the house. We don't have a microwave, so I have learned to make popcorn on the stove. It's really good and not nearly as fake tasting as microwave popcorn.